Call Center Service Level Agreement Template

As business owners, we all know that maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction is crucial for the success of any enterprise. In this digital age, the call center service level agreement template plays an integral role in ensuring that this goal is achieved. A service level agreement (SLA) is a contractual agreement between a service provider and a customer and outlines the agreed-upon level of service to be provided. This article will delve deeper into the importance of a call center service level agreement template and what it should include.

Why SLAs are Important for Call Centers

The role of call centers is to provide customer service and support to clients. As such, it is imperative that these centers have detailed SLAs to ensure that they meet the needs and expectations of their customers. A well-drafted SLA provides a clear set of guidelines for both the service provider and the customer, making it easier to monitor performance and ensure accountability.

What Should Be Included in a Call Center Service Level Agreement Template?

When drafting an SLA for a call center, several key elements should be included. These elements include:

1. Service Description: This section outlines the services that will be provided, including the availability of the call center and the types of queries that will be handled.

2. Metrics: This section outlines the metrics that will be used to measure the performance of the call center, including response time, hold time, and resolution time.

3. Service Levels: This section outlines the service levels that will be provided, including the expected percentage of calls that will be answered within a specific time frame.

4. Reporting: This section outlines the reporting requirements, including the frequency of reports and the type of information that will be included.

5. Escalation: This section outlines the escalation process in the event that a call cannot be resolved by the call center agent.

6. Service Level Credits: This section outlines the service level credits that will be provided to the customer in the event that the call center fails to meet the specified service levels.


In conclusion, the call center service level agreement template is an essential tool for the success of call centers. It provides a clear set of guidelines for both the service provider and the customer, making it easier to monitor performance and ensure accountability. When drafting an SLA, it is important to include key elements such as service description, metrics, service levels, reporting, escalation, and service level credits. By ensuring that these elements are included in the template, call centers can provide a high level of customer service and support, which is essential for the success of any business.