Proeftijd Bij Contract Voor Onbepaalde Tijd

Probationary Periods in Indefinite Employment Contracts: What You Need to Know

Probationary periods are a common practice in employment contracts, especially for new hires. They offer a trial period for the employer and employee to assess whether the job is a good fit. But what about indefinite employment contracts?

In the Netherlands, indefinite contracts are the norm for permanent positions. However, probationary periods can still be included in these contracts. Here`s what you need to know:

– A probationary period in an indefinite contract can last up to two months.

– The employer must make clear within the contract why the probationary period is being included.

– During the probationary period, the employer can terminate the contract without notice or reason.

– The employee also has the right to terminate the contract during the probationary period, with a notice period of one week.

– If the employee is not terminated during the probationary period, the contract becomes permanent.

Why include a probationary period in an indefinite contract? It can still provide benefits for both parties. For the employer, it allows for a more thorough assessment of the employee`s fit for the job. For the employee, it provides a chance to learn about the company culture, expectations, and work environment before committing long-term.

It`s important to remember that probationary periods must still adhere to Dutch employment laws. Discrimination or unfair treatment during this period is not allowed. Additionally, the terms of the probationary period should be clear and agreed upon by both parties before signing the contract.

In conclusion, probationary periods can still be included in indefinite employment contracts in the Netherlands. They provide a trial period for both parties to assess the job fit, but must still adhere to Dutch labor laws and ensure fairness for the employee. If you`re considering including a probationary period in an indefinite contract, make sure to discuss it with your legal advisor and clearly communicate the terms with your employee.